Ways Snow Can Damage Your Home
12/14/2016The chill in the air tells us a midwest winter is upon us - we've even seen a few flurries. Missouri weather is notorious for being unpredictable but snowfall will be here before we know it, and that's something we can count on. When snow and ice hit the Midwest, severe damage can occur. Midwest Renovation wants homeowners to be prepared and understand how snow can affect your home and roof before the forecast predicts a large snowfall, that's why we've put together some information to consider when it comes to snow and your home. When snow wreaks havoc on your roof, Midwest Renovation is ready to provide quality roof and storm damage repair services to quickly and successfully return your home to the best condition possible.
Roof Damage
When the heat from your home's interior melts the ice and snow on your roof, water leaks can occur. Water from ice melting on the roof can become trapped and create ice dams on the roof, gutters and downspouts. If the water gets under the roof system, or goes sideways through flashings, interior damage can occur. It is important to carefully remove excessive snow from the top of your home to prevent roof damage.
Gutter Damage
When snow freezes and turns to ice, or freezing rain remains, it can be difficult to remove without causing damage to the roof or gutters. You'll want to remove the snow before it freezes and clean your gutter system regularly to reduce the risk of them becoming clogged with ice.
Structural Damage
Your roof is intended to protect your home and can generally withstand heavy rainfall and strong winds, however, heavy snow can be a concern. The weight of several inches of snow is difficult for your roof to bear. Heavy snow compression can also lead to cracks in your drywall.
Clearing Snow
Carefully clearing snow from your roof can prevent structural damage, drywall cracking and ice dams so you can be confident that your home's exterior and interior is protected. If you find that snow removal is needed, use caution, scraping snow off your roof can damage shingles and compromise the life of your roof.
If you're looking to eliminate the odds of leaks and structural damage this winter, turn to Midwest Renovation, our services include roof inspection and repair, storm damage assessment and repair - everything you need to keep your home in excellent condition. If the unfortunate happens, and you find yourself needing to repair damage to your home due to heavy snowfall, Midwest Renovation is just a call away. Learn more about our services by visiting our website www.MidwestRenovationllc.com or calling (866) 230-5415.
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Jefferson City, MO 65109