Keep Your Roof In Great Shape With These 5 Maintenance Tips


Take it from Missouri's best roofing company, the easiest way to keep your roof in it's best shape so that it can last for years and years with little or no incident is to perform regular maintenance on it. It may not be the easiest place to get to, but the maintenance tasks are fairly simple. Midwest Renovation has a list of things that you can do to keep your roof in great shape.

Inspect It
First of all, you need to have someone get up there and take a good look at your roof at least once a year. You may be able to see the big things, like missing shingles or holes, but it takes a trained eye to catch the smaller problems that may turn into large ones if not taken care of. All it takes is one call to Midwest Renovation to schedule a FREE roof inspection. Our experts will take a close look at everything and let you know about any problems we find, plus give you an estimate and plan for getting them fixed when you're ready. 

Sweep It Off
Lots of things can end up on your roof, usually due to weather. Sticks, leaves, and other debris can do damage to shingles, and if they remain up there wet, can cause algae to begin growing on the roof. All of that stuff will eventually make its way into the gutters, too, which can clog them and cause leaks. Sweep or blow off this debris, and in the winter, consider investing in a snow rake. After a heavy snow, it's good to get it off the roof to avoid leaks or damage.

Trim Overhanging Branches
There will be a lot less debris on your roof if you trim back trees that are hanging over it. You especially want to make sure no large branches are directly over your roof. If a heavy one breaks and falls, it could put a big hole in your house.  

Replace Worn Caulk
Water can begin making its way under your roof when seals deteriorate. If you notice an cracks in the caulk around the flashing, joints, chimneys, or other areas, it will need to be removed, scrubbed, and resealed. If you aren't exactly sure how to take care of that, our mid-Missouri renovation company can easily do it for you. 

Remove Rust
During your inspection, if you see rust on any metal parts on your roof, it will need to be removed with a wire brush, primed, and painted. Cleaning it up is a lot easier and less expensive than having to replace it if you ignore the problem. 

Our Missouri construction company has a highly qualified and well-trained staff full of roofing experts that know what to look for during an inspection, and they also know the best ways to fix any problems so that the repairs last. When you are ready for your yearly roof inspection, don't hesitate to give Midwest Renovation a call at 1-866-230-5415. We will come out at no cost to you, and you won't owe us anything unless you choose to have work done. Keep that roof in good shape with regular maintenance and you will save yourself lots of worry, hassle, and money down the road. 

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